Recollection of events by Pastor Emeritus Bennie L. Smith and wife Elder Laura Smith; Church Historians Deborah Reed Haynes and Wendy Reed Williams
Released: March 2022
With approximately twelve foundational members, First Tuskegee Seventh-day Adventist Church was established in 1958 under the leadership of Pastor E.L. Humphrey (Bethany Seventh-day Adventist Church, Montgomery, Alabama). Although this is a very important milestone in our history, we cannot overlook E.E. Cleveland’s influence. In 1954, Elder Cleveland came to Montgomery and conducted a large evangelistic meeting. Foundational members of the Tuskegee group were in attendance and having heard God’s voice, they were encouraged to bring the message to others in Tuskegee. Having no building of their own, the members worshipped in each other’s homes, and the Boy Scout Hut, which was located east of the Tuskegee Institute High School, formally Tuskegee Institute Middle School, presently The Tuskegee Police Department. While still being led by Pastor E.L. Humphrey, there were times when he could not come to preach at the Boy Scout Hut, so he would send one of his elders, Bennie Smith, to stand in his place.
In 1965, due to the generosity and compassion of the minister and members of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, the flock of twelve (12) began holding services in this church while the Presbyterians worshipped on Sundays. This Christian gesture, on behalf of the Westminster Church, cannot be overemphasized. It showed that Christians could get along despite differences in doctrines.
In 1975, the members secured a plot of land to build what they named First Tuskegee Seventh-day Adventist Church. God blessed his people with a church of their own. Tuskegee is grateful for their many blessings and that they heeded the command of God: “And let them make Me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” First Tuskegee says, “To God be the glory, great things He has done.”
Since the formation of the church, the following pastors have served:
Elders E. J. Humphrey (1958- 1961), H. L. Jones (1961-1963), A. D. Shorter (1963-1966-deceased), D. J. Williams (1966-1968), Murray Joiner (1968-1972), G. I. Pierson (1972-1976), S. J. Jackson (1976- 1979), M. Hale (1979), T. M. Fountain-(Interim), J. R. Bell (1979-1984), M. A. Mounter (1984-1990), J. W. Jones (1990-1993), F. S. Hill III (1993-1995), R. Williams (1995-1996), and two served in the interim, I. Johnson (deceased), W. C. Jones, Sargent Simms (1996-2013), Michael Mickens (2013- 2017), Samuel Jeudin (2017-2020), K. Luckett -Interim, (2020-2021), and Deshon Juzang (2021-2022). Presently serving is Pastor Nathan Cook (2022).
The First Tuskegee Seventh-day Adventist Church is a microcosm of the world church. It has been enriched with an international membership, as well as, students from several states and countries who have attended both Tuskegee and Auburn University. It is a little light to evangelize the city and the world - First Tuskegee Seventh-day Adventist Church, "THE CHURCH ON THE HILL."